I am bipolar disorder
I make sure you only feel in extremes
When you’re happy you’re not just happy
You are thriving, glowing
When you’re sad you’re not just sad
You are hopeless, broken
Sometimes I’ll make you sleep less
Sometimes I’ll make you sleep more
Your weight will fluctuate
I’ll make you act too impulsively
Or you will shy away from making any decisions
Your life just becomes a never ending rollercoaster of extreme highs and lows
Currently, 2.3 million Americans (about 1% of the population) have bipolar disorder to some degree. [8] Bipolar disorder takes part in 2 different phases: the manic phase and the depressive phase. The manic phase is characterized by high amounts of energy and euphoria. During this phase, people tend to feel as if they are invincible and commonly disregard their health, most often their sleep schedule. During the depressive phase, people tend to feel hopeless and have no motivation to do anything. Being in this phase can lead to sleep problems and concentration problems. Though those with bipolar disorder switch between these two phases, it is possible to experience what is known as a “mixed episode”, in which you showcase symptoms of the manic phase and the depressive phase. In most instances, someone will have large amounts of energy but will be anxious and irritable. A mixed episode puts one at the highest risk of developing suicidal thoughts.
There are different classifications of bipolar disorder based on the symptoms that you are showing and feeling. Bipolar I Disorder usually has at least one manic or mixed episode and one depressive episode. Those with Bipolar II Disorder will experience a hypomania episode, which is less severe than a typical manic episode, but then also have a severe depressive episode. Finally, there is cyclothymia in which people experience hypomania but have mild depression.
You are at a higher risk of developing bipolar disorder if someone close to you is bipolar, and you adapt to their behavior. Additionally, traumatic events or going through periods of high stress can lead to bipolar disorder. Finally, drugs and alcohol are the common cause as well. With the use of therapy, medication, and organized support groups, the effects of bipolar disorder can be lessened to lead to a more stable mood. [9]